After years on the periphery of American food options because of legal restrictions, raw (unpasteurized) milk has burst onto the national scene with the nomination of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as secretary of Health and Human Services. HHS is one of the government’s largest agencies, and has responsibility for regulating dairy production. Kennedy has advocated for easier access to raw dairy products, but as Mark McAfee points out in this open letter to Kennedy, raw milk can pose safety issues if it isn’t produced according to strict standards.
I am your raw milk producer. You drink my raw milk in Los Angeles! You need me to be your raw milk guy in Washington.

Please don’t be misled into thinking that delicious clean tested raw milk just magically appears in that store near you in California. That is an uber huge mistake. Raw milk requires very special conditions to be produced safely: different standards from pasteurized milk, serious farmer training and frequent testing. You may want clean safe raw milk for everyone in America, which is awesome, but if it is not done with a very smart and strategic plan, it will give you a huge black eye and will be the biggest mess you can ever imagine!!
Nicole Shanahan, your third-party running mate, visited my farm near Fresno California in June 2024 before you joined the Trump campaign and long before you were put in place as the nominee to head the Department of Health and Human Services, which includes the FDA. At Raw Farm, we are the largest raw milk brand and producer in the world. Nicole and I talked in a podcast about how to make America healthy and raw milk is absolutely a great step toward gut microbiome strength and providing a better immune system for all.
However, there are no FDA standards for that kind of raw milk. The only FDA standards that exist for raw milk are under the PMO, or Pasteurized Milk Ordinance, and raw milk intended for pasteurization is filled with pathogens. If you open up the “freedom gates” to that kind of PMO raw milk, you will fill emergency rooms and ICUs all over America with very upset and very sick citizens and kids. That’s not freedom and that is not “making America healthy again” at all.
I’ll be very forward here and assert that you need me to be your commissioner for the RMO, or Raw Milk Ordinance. I am the chairman of the Raw Milk Institute, a standards-setting organization; we have developed internationally recognized standards that have been used to train thousands of farmers in the U.S. and internationally (175 in the UK alone). We have trained farmers in the use of on-farm labs to allow for inexpensive and rapid testing of milk samples. The result has been a thriving and emerging raw milk market renaissance. Farmers are thriving and consumers are elated.
All of this because of very strategic long-term planning and well considered standards, driven by my career in health care. I was a paramedic for 16 years and taught paramedic medicine for the Fresno County Health Department. I know the medical and health crisis we are in better than anyone, since I lived it! I did CPR and intubated and defibrillated it. I held it close as it tried to die on me at three in the morning. I helped birth newborns on kitchen floors and in the back seats of cars. I am premed trained and was valedictorian of my 2300-hour paramedic course. I was voted Fresno County Paramedic of the year in 1994 by my fellow medics.
When I founded Raw Farm in 1998, that same care, purpose, ethics and compassion for humanity followed me into my concern for food safety and pioneering development of special raw milk standards and protocols. After nearly 25 years of producing raw milk in California, I have learned a few things and some of them humbled me greatly. I have always been committed to life-long learning and I spend a great deal of my time with UC Davis Milk Genomics PhD researchers. If you are going to lead a renaissance of clean safe raw milk and be able to explain to consumers what raw milk is….you better stay in school. That’s me. I now serve, with our awesome team, hundreds of thousands of very happy consumers via 500 retail stores in California, and that includes both you and Nicole.
I want America to lead the world in the safe production of delicious, nutritionally dense, bioactive filled raw milk. We have a failed gut microbiome in America and we must heal it. The bioactives, functional proteins and good fats found in raw milk and consumption of whole foods that are unprocessed or less processed are critical to a strong gut and good health. I know the studies and teach this both here and around the world. I am your guy. I will serve “we the people” and leave a legacy of a strong foundation for an evolution to a healthier America.
Because the gut is at least 80% of the immune system, that is where you start to build a stronger and healthier America. Soils, cows, farmers connected to consumers. That is the path I know best and I am ready to serve our country. Taking out the preservatives in our highly processed foods is something you have right. Eating whole foods and raw milk is something else you get right. How to do raw milk right and develop that plan with a good team, that is something I get right. I want to make damn well sure we all get this right. The alternative is not what you want and will take us backwards. My raw milk brand is growing at 1% per week because we know raw milk and its technologies. I think you want that kind of raw milk for America and all of its future children and families. We all want this kind of raw milk for other farmers and their communities as well. This is a WE project.
I am filled with great purpose, and I am ready.
Mark McAfee
CEO Founder Raw Farm
Chairman Raw Milk Institute
Thank you David…I sure hope RFK is listening. This renaissance of raw milk gives all farmers an opportunity, the honor with highest responsibility to serve people and not processors. For those that chose this path…we are helping those farmers and their future local communities.
The PUBMED 2021 Cornel research funded by the National Dairy Council says it all. BIOACTIVES in unprocessed milk are powerful immune system compounds and they are all neutralized or eliminated by pasteurization. Making America Healthy Again is a huge undertaking a massive food fight.
Mark, let me remind you what contaminated raw milk can do to the human body.
I asked CHATGBT this question: does a mother with COVID shed covid virus into her breastmilk when nursing. It said that the breast milk rarely contains active virus, but rather it contains antibodies to the virus to protect the baby.
You should all try some AI CHATBGT, its a free app. The answers are compelling. I asked if H5N1 had ever caused human illness via consumption of raw milk containing H5N1 virus. It said NO…but the antibodies to H5N1 are found in that raw milk….It did say that H5N1 is mostly a bird disease even though it can be found in cows.
What a great tool. Makes you wonder why the FDA does not create better policy with AI. I know exactly why.
AI does not try to protect PHARMA stock or Big Dairy processors in its algorithm and decision tree.
Moderna Stock is down from $160 earlier in April to about $43 today.
Shall we call this the “RFK…MAHA Food is Medicine Effect?”
down from $352 three years ago. Thats 87% decline. Thats Farmers over Pharmacies and Food is Medicine verses more drugs are medicine.
Don’t get me wrong, we need good pharma, but not at the complete exclusion and displacing WHOLE FOOD nutrition and safe delicious raw milk and rebuilding the gut microbiome! There is a place for both. Look at the Sprouts Farmers Market Stock…last year at this time it was $35 now it is at $155 and climbing. Consumers and investors are getting smart. Hard facts are hard facts.
Given the current Avian Flu exposure, it should be noted that no one is reported sickened from the lot being recalled. I had been drinking milk from that lot (20241109). I will cease to do so and will return for a replacement from Raw Farms. I have not shown any symptoms.
“massive recall” headlined the LA Times? Hardly
when one gets down to the facts of the matter, all the FDA has, is > one single sample from a bottle at one retail store. Not so much as another bit of similar evidence corroborating the contention that milk from Raw Dairy is contaminated
When I came along in the Campaign for REAL MILK – 25 years ago – the big story, was : a lawyer in Australia proving that raw milk on the shelf in a retail store * , had been deliberated poisoned by people who hated the very idea. * Raw milk was being sold then as Cleopatra’s bath
Bearing in mind the seething un-reasoning hatred for REAL MILK, displayed by officialdom (never forgetting a certain contributor to this blog ) a similar scenario = of the package
having been poisoned = is more likely than not .
the kicker, being ; insinuation in the article : that Raw Dairy would obtain cheaper pasteurized milk, bulking up its product …. is nothing less than defamation of a foodstuff. I think there’s a law against that?
I would hold onto to that product dearly…
URL to a classic example of what a journalistic “hit piece” looks like
a dairy with (now ) 1400 cows in two herds, producing/ delivering thousands of portions DAILY ! operating for a quarter century, has next to no proven adverse events. Yet the govt. comes at Raw Farm, again
The Naysayers who relentlessly slag REAL MILK would be hard-pressed to show any other food enterprise, with such a sterling record
the bird flu thing is bunk… just another round of fearmongering after the Covid19 moral panic was exposed as a monumental HOAX
No other raw milk farm in the world has invested in two full time microbiologists to run our own ThermoFisher PCR pathogen lab to test every batch for pathogens…first means pioneers.
Starvation by recall….Listeria, and microdosing of pathogens is essential to protection from pathogens. We are sterilizing America and dumping our food when parts of America, and so many others are starving!! You will notice that Listeria is allowed in the EU and on EU food, and the EU is far healthier than we are.
Sadly, and as a result of our sterile diets, use of antibiotics, preservatives in foods and probably roundup in and on foods, the Akkermansia bacteria in our guts are gone or at very low levels. These bacteria care for and produce the protective mucous layer that protects the gut intimal tissues from pathogen invasion and attachment. That mucous lining is thin or missing in America. Leading to leaky gut, food allergies, loss of biome colonization habitat, gut inflammation, Crohns and on and on. This is also the leading cause of why HUS can start. Without the mucous lining, Ecoli pathogens can then attach to the gut tissues and start the SHIGATOXIN — HUS—Sepsis infection cascade. Raw milk fats carry butyrate’s that feed those Akkermansia and all of the poweful bioactives destroyed in processing.
Remember this: PCR does not find living viable virus. It finds pieces of DEAD genetic material that was once a virus. About 20% ( some show as high as 60% ) of all pasteurized milk found on shelves in California contains dead PCR positive virus. That is right…the same thing found in one Raw Farm sample. It is not a danger. The FDA says that no illnesses have ever been reported from HUMAN consumption of HPAI in raw milk….none.
As of Friday Nov 28th, we are shut down for future production. NO recall of products in stores and consumers are free to clear the shelves. That means no risk…no recall means no risk or risk is so low it is considered insignificant
Mary, I am still asking you for an endorsement for my potential position as advisor for FDA Raw Milk Standards and Policy. Would you rather have me or some wildcard that has no standards, little concern for other farmers or consumers and no testing experience, no research experience, did not establish RAWMI to help all farmers? Please send me an email that says…even though raw milk made your son sick 18 years ago, Mark has learned and become the best choice for the position. I will fight like hell for the highest and best standards for future raw milk for America.
Mark, I would work on explaining this to Kennedy. Once again, you are being sued.
All of you students of Raw Milk, HPAI, COVID, human and mammalian immunity…The FDA, NIH and CDC has excellent advice for raw milk and influenzas.
Mothers Protect Their Young….if you have an influenza…don’t stop feeding your baby that raw milk!!! it protects them and contains ANTIBODIES to the influenzas’. Its how mammals work. It defines us.
and I quote from CDC
“Breast milk ( ie human raw milk ) is the recommended source of nutrition for most infants, even while their mother is ill. A mother’s breast milk contains antibodies and other immunological factors that can help protect her infant from infections. Research indicates that the breast milk of mothers with COVID-19 contains antibodies and other factors that may provide immunological protection to infants.”
I rest my case…
That statement by the CDC merely demonstrates their overall hypocrisy, aka…the pretending of having virtues, principles, or beliefs that one in fact does not have. Those who persist in believing the FDA and CDC are concerned with healthy living are living in a fool’s paradise…
latest attack on REAL MILK disguised as concern for “health”
one has to laugh at how low they will stoop
Head of a celebrity-friendly raw milk brand says its recall is political. He may soon have an FDA role.
SACRAMENTO, California — The raw milk brand favored by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is facing a recall in California over safety concerns just as the CEO is poised to join the Trump administration at the behest of the former independent presidential candidate.
Mark McAfee, CEO of Raw Farm, says he was asked by Kennedy’s running mate Nicole Shanahan to apply for a role at the Food and Drug Administration as a “raw milk adviser.”
The California Department of Public Health issued its latest voluntary recall against the company this week after several batches of raw milk products tested positive for H5N1, or bird flu. With the virus spreading rampantly among California’s dairy herds, McAfee said it was his farm’s turn to have some positive tests. He said it will take around two months for the virus to move through his herd before they build antibodies and develop immunity. Until then, he said he is focused on feeding the cows, keeping them healthy and working with a farm with no infections 300 miles north in order to keep raw milk, cream, kefir, butter and cheese on shelves.
And he said that while he’s been working closely with state agencies, he feels they’re being pressured by federal bureaucrats back East. Regulators like the FDA are using avian flu as an excuse, he said, to take action against raw milk.
“What they don’t want is for raw milk to thrive, and that’s a political decision they made years ago,” McAfee said of the FDA. “It’s a new angle to try and discourage us.”
Ali Bay, deputy director of Communications for the California Department of Public Health, said the state is working “aggressively” to contain the spread of bird flu in humans and animals.
“Our public health messages have always included concern about the risks of bird flu transmission from consuming raw milk and raw dairy products,” Bay said in a statement. “Milk from infected cows splashing into the eyes of workers on farms has led to more than 30 human cases in California, indicating that raw milk is infectious to humans.”
The FDA is currently involved in an “enforcement action” with Raw Farm in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California and wouldn’t comment either, citing agency policy.
In this 2007 photo, raw milk producer Mark McAfee looks at one of his many cows at his dairy in Fresno, California. | Gary Kazanjian/AP
The incident comes just weeks ahead of confirmation hearings for Kennedy to lead the Department of Health and Human Services in Washington, which is already engulfed in heated debates over other controversial appointments by President-elect Donald Trump. While the Kennedy scion is expected to get through the confirmation process, his fringe health beliefs on everything from unpasteurized dairy to vaccines are of serious concern for many lawmakers.
Kennedy is a raw milk enthusiast because of its purported health benefits, and his former running mate did a campaign stop at the Fresno-based Raw Farm during their White House run. Kennedy has promised to end the “aggressive suppression” of raw milk as part of his “Make America Healthy Again” agenda. Health and Human Services houses the FDA, which today strongly recommends against consuming unpasteurized dairy.
Kennedy’s vocal raw milk advocacy is colliding with an avian flu outbreak in the country’s dairy and poultry herds. In Raw Farm’s home state of California alone, 31 people and the cows at over 475 dairies have tested positive for the virus. The humans getting sick are mostly dairy workers who come into contact with raw milk at work, but a child near San Francisco has also been infected. Just this week, California confirmed one new human case and another probable one in the state.
Raw milk proponents claim that pasteurizing milk — heating it to kill bacteria and viruses — also destroys its nutritional value. That hasn’t been proven, but it hasn’t stopped raw milk from becoming the anti-establishment cause d’etre in the past few years. Raw Farm in particular has drawn many big-name fans like Gwyneth Paltrow, who drinks it in her morning coffee.
Three weeks ago, McAfee said he was approached by Shanahan to apply for the role in the FDA, and while nothing is official yet, he says he is on their shortlist.
Kennedy and his spokesperson did not return multiple messages seeking comment.
McAfee envisions a three-part plan for a federal position that oversees raw milk: high uniform standards, better training for farmers to handle and produce it and access to testing on every farm.
“You would have a renaissance of farmer vigor in this country like you’ve never seen before,” he said.
None of McAfee’s cows had flu symptoms before their milk tested positive, and he noted that no human cases of bird flu have been linked to consuming raw milk. All the more reason, he said, to look with skepticism at the “long-term plan to make sure raw milk doesn’t come back.”
It is not known what consuming raw milk that is infected with H5N1 will do in humans, said Jennifer Nuzzo, director of the Pandemic Center at the Brown University School of Public Health. But she noted that studies have shown deleterious effects in animals, some of which developed “really hideous symptoms” like neurologic conditions.
Raw milk’s threat to public health doesn’t stop at avian flu, said Keith Poulsen, director of the Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory.
“The bad news is that for raw milk drinkers, … you still have a higher risk of things like listeria, Campylobacter, Shiga toxin-producing E. coli, things like that,” Poulsen said. “That’s still a bigger risk.”
Dr. Meghan Davis, associate professor and a veterinarian at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, added, “We are really confident that this is a bad virus.”
“It can cause disease in humans, and there’s no reason to think that it wouldn’t be a high risk for [raw milk] consumers,” said Davis, noting that the CDC considers raw milk drinkers and people who work with related products, such as at a processing plant, higher risk than the general public — just like farmworkers. Handling raw milk at home could also be a route of transmission, such as when a person gets milk on their hands and rubs their eyes.
Then-presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (right) stands on stage with Nicole Shanahan after announcing her as his running mate March 26, 2024, in Oakland, California. | Eric Risberg/AP
Kennedy’s ascension has helped contribute to a recent boom for the raw milk industry, said Pete Kennedy, a consultant with the Weston A. Price Foundation, a group that supports expanded raw milk consumption.
“Raw milk demand in the country has never been greater and this bird flu has been around now for eight or nine months,” said Pete Kennedy, referencing several state laws passed this year that have expanded access to the product. “And there’s never been any evidence since the start of it, that anyone has gotten sick from drinking raw milk infected with bird flu.”
As for Kennedy’s possible promotion to HHS secretary, Pete Kennedy said he hopes “eventually it’ll lead FDA to changing its position on raw milk. Right now, they’re strongly opposed to its consumption.”
He added, “I think [Kennedy’s confirmation] will further increase, further encourage states to pass laws either expanding raw milk access or, in a handful of states where it’s still illegal, encourage them to pass laws legalizing sale or distribution.”
But Kennedy’s advocacy troubles Nuzzo.
“He’s been a proponent of raw milk, and there are no credible studies demonstrating the health benefits of raw milk,” Nuzzo said. “So that demonstrates his lack of command of evidence and data.”
12/06/2024 05:00 AM EST
David Lim contributed to this report.
No Ken….I disagree….lol 🙂
The FDA are true geniuses. They changed mammalian evolution in just 30 years and now Cows are not mammals….Its just humans that are mammals… and create antibodies for their young. No other mammals do that!????.
Politics over People. What a horrible lie sold to the American people to sell more drugs. It is no wonder that RFK is a voice of constructive disruption and the FDA – Pharma are terrified and horrified. Their money sickness machine and merry-go-round is screeching to a rocky bumpy stop.
We are all over this and working with nature and science we will champion raw milk.
My official comment…
Another massive pasteurized cheese recall….its starvation by recall. The FDA says the only way to assure and GUARANTEE safety is to pasteurize cheese??? THIS IS PURE Suppression of Truth. Bioactives found in raw milk are destroyed by heat and the natural controls found in raw cheeses are lost.
FDA is going to starve this nation.
Eggs are supposed to have salmonella. FDA starvation by recall.
here it comes…all vegetables will be chlorine saturated.
Not looking good for Raw Farm.
Now the cats.
history doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme = who-ever’s running the ‘birdflu psyop’ has a perverse sense of humor … folding-in to the propaganda an echo of the classic study : Pottenger’s cats. In which cats were fed a diet of raw meat or milk versus cats fed cooked milk/meat. >>>> one of the basics of understanding why raw milk is far-superior to cooked aka Pasteur-ized
so the enemies of REAL MILK are ‘putting the boots’ to Raw Farm. Coming out a full year later, with tales of raw milk “tied to” complaints.
this, too, shall pass
Salmonella Outbreak Tied to Raw Milk Larger than First Reported
The California Department of Public Health released an updated report revealing a salmonella outbreak linked to raw milk from Raw Farm LLC in Fresno County, California was larger than first reported. The outbreak, identified in San Diego County on October 18, 2023, initially involved eight salmonellosis cases but ultimately grew to encompass a much broader health crisis, according to The Fresno Bee.
The report, released on October 15, 2024, documented 171 total salmonella infections across five states: California, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Washington. Of these cases, 159 were confirmed and 12 were classified as probable. Illness onset dates ranged from September 21, 2023, through March 11, 2024, with the majority concentrated in the Los Angeles and San Diego areas.
California counties experiencing confirmed cases included:
Los Angeles and San Diego (majority of cases)
Stanislaus County – four cases
Fresno County – three cases
Kings County – two cases
Madera County – two cases
San Joaquin County – two cases
Mark McAfee, Raw Milk LLC’s founder, acknowledged the milk’s connection to the outbreak. He confirmed identifying and removing a cow infected with salmonella and subsequently installing specialized pathogen detection equipment.
The outbreak has resulted in multiple lawsuits filed on behalf of several affected people with detailed and significant medical consequences suffered by the victims, including emergency room visits, painful abdominal cramps, fever, bloody diarrhea, vomiting, and headaches
One victim accumulated medical expenses exceeding $170,000. Others continue experiencing ongoing bowel complications months after initial infection. Two of those affected required hospitalization for over a week.
McAfee expressed openness to compensating affected individuals while suggesting some claims might be exaggerated. The dairy has implemented enhanced screening methods to prevent future contamination.
Raw Farm LLC, recognized as one of the nation’s leading raw milk suppliers, has also been linked to recent avian flu cases in humans and pets, further highlighting potential food safety concerns.
On December 5, Food Poisoning News reported that the California Department of Food and Agriculture suspended Raw Farm’s raw milk distribution following detection of the H5N1 bird flu virus in milk samples from the business.
Raw Farm had previously recalled two raw milk batches in recent weeks after the Santa Clara Public Health Department tests detected bird flu.
National, state, and local health authorities continue to closely monitor what has been a rapidly developing situation this year. All health agencies have stressed the potential risks associated with consuming unpasteurized dairy products. Medical professionals recommend seeking immediate medical attention for individuals experiencing symptoms consistent with foodborne illness.
Recall of Valley Milk Simply Bottled Raw Milk Due to Bird Flu Contamination
The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) has issued a statewide recall and quarantine order for raw milk produced by Valley Milk Simply Bottled in Stanislaus County after detecting the Influenza-A H5N1 (bird flu) virus in milk samples.
The recall covers two product lines:
Valley Milk Simply Bottled Raw Cow Milk
DESI Milk Raw Cow Milk
Affected products include quart (32 oz), half-gallon (64 oz), and one-gallon (128 oz) plastic jugs with code dates ranging from December 23, 2024, to December 30, 2024. No illnesses have been reported to date.
Consumers are strongly advised to discard any remaining products and retailers are instructed to remove these items from shelves immediately.
Bird flu infection in humans can manifest through various symptoms, including eye redness or discharge, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, diarrhea, vomiting, muscle or body aches, headaches, fatigue, breathing difficulties, and fever.
While raw milk sales remain legal in California with strict regulations, public health experts consistently warn about potential health risks associated with unpasteurized dairy products. Raw milk products are required to carry warning labels indicating potential pathogen presence.
Historically, raw dairy products have been linked to outbreaks involving multiple harmful bacteria, such as salmonella, listeria monocytogenes, toxin-producing E. coli, brucella, and campylobacter.
Pasteurization, a critical food safety process, involves heating milk to specific temperatures to eliminate dangerous microorganisms and enzymes. This method effectively kills bird flu virus and other harmful germs, rendering pasteurized milk safe for consumption.
The CDFA is collaborating with the USDA and local and state partners to monitor bird flu in farm animals. The current incident is part of a broader national investigation following the disease’s initial emergence in 2022.
Extensive testing is being conducted throughout California, with quarantine boundaries established to protect both animal and human health.
The California Department of Public Health continues to recommend consuming only pasteurized milk and dairy products to minimize health risks.
Consumers with questions or concerns are advised to contact local health authorities or the dairy producer directly for additional information.
Commenting on this article, the nation’s leading Salmonella lawyer said, “Drinking milk that has been pasteurized remains the safest form of consumption. Not only does pasteurization kill the bird flu virus, but also many other deadly pathogens.”
if you were already worried about the quality of foodstuffs in the commercial system, this one will cinch it
THE convincer to take control of your milk and cheese via a ‘herdshare’
Pfizer cheese !! … made with socalled “vegetable rennet”
Could a maverick raw milk farmer from California help RFK Jr. shape US health policy?
• Robert Rodriguez – The Sacramento Bee (TNS)
As Mark McAfee — the maverick leader of California’s largest raw milk dairy — works on getting his Fresno County dairy out of bird flu quarantine, his name has surfaced as a possible advisor for the Food and Drug Administration on shaping raw milk policy in the United States.
The founder of Raw Farm credits a celebrity customer, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., for the consideration.
Kennedy is President-elect Donald Trump’s pick for secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services that includes the FDA and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, among other agencies.
To McAfee, Kennedy is more than just a fan of his milk, he’s the person who may be in a position to change the course of raw milk’s future in the U.S.
McAfee, whose dairy has faced several product recalls since 2006, told The Bee he was encouraged by a member of Kennedy’s inner circle to apply for the role of FDA advisor on raw milk policy and standards.
“He wants the kind of milk that I am producing,” McAfee said. “I’m not looking for a job with FDA; I want to be able to work with them and advise them on raw milk standards.”
RFK Jr. and ‘Make America Healthy Again’
Attempts to reach Kennedy’s staff were unsuccessful. But one source with knowledge of the process and who asked not to be identified said McAfee is “under consideration.”
Kennedy’s path to confirmation by Congress is expected to be rocky. His early views on opposing vaccines has since softened but it still raises concerns from health officials.
Hoping to make his selection smoother, five Republican senators recently created a caucus to hype Kennedy’s “Make America Healthy Again” movement that calls for making raw milk more accessible.
Raw milkers will say they can’t live without it and will do whatever they can to get it.
While McAfee’s dairy went into quarantine, the state also found bird flu virus in the company’s milk and dairy. A voluntary recall was initiated and the dairy was temporarily unable to ship milk.
Raw Milk customers
Many of the dairy’s customers rushed to their grocery stores to buy what was left on the shelves. They froze what they couldn’t drink.
Southern California resident Jessica Tapia is normally a Raw Milk customer. She said she was lucky to get a small supply of raw milk from a friend who receives a shipment from an Amish farm in Pennsylvania.
“People don’t understand: Raw milk is the only kind of milk we will consume,” Tapia said. “And if Raw Farms milk is not available, we will find another source. Raw milk people are warriors; we are fighters who have gone deep into health.”
Scientists and medical professionals caution, however, against drinking raw milk because of its potential to contain harmful bacteria and cause foodborne illnesses.
Food safety lawyer Bill Marler, who has sued McAfee several times, agrees with many of Kennedy’s views, including reducing childhood obesity and eating fewer ultra-processed foods.
“But when it comes to having a guy with a checkered history with raw milk help write policy,” Marler said, “that’s just crazy.”
©2024 The Sacramento Bee.
I Spent 30 Days Inside Trump’s Circle Here’s What I Learned
Jordan B. Peterson
“What did we learn from covid? Just carry on. Don’t worry about it. Get in the sun. Stay active. Hug often. Serve with enthusiasm and purpose. Breathe. Be grateful. Eat whole foods. Don’t drink Coke or eat McDonald’s. Stop watching mainstream media. Realize that the debris field is not just biological, it’s political, religious, spiritual, emotional. Call it what it is: life and stuff. And then carry on.”
…and steer clear of that experimental modifies RNA injection.
In the following article Salatin correctly states, What’s behind bird flu mania?” In the article he also points out, “Interestingly, nobody so far has identified any commonalities among birds immune to the virus even when they live with birds who have the virus. Probably the powers that be aren’t interested in that pattern. Furthermore, the above study form CDC confirmed that among these 45 confirmed cases, the 95 people who lived in the same household did not contract bird flu. NOT ONE.
So what’s going on? Now we have the first alleged human death from bird flu. How many people die from homelessness? How many people die from methamphetamine? I try my hardest to assume most people are sincerely trying to do the right thing, but the pattern here is stacking up that a nefarious agenda lurks behind the bird flu curtain.”
Back in business at last.
As the article below correctly points out, “Let’s keep butter as butter and avoid turning it into something closer to margarine!”
This is why I prefer to make my own butter and/or pay twice as much for organic butter… I noticed several years ago that the cheap adulterated grocery store butter was different in texture and flavor then the home-made stuff.
With respect to the 1.2 to 1.3 quadrillion (1015) microorganisms that inhabiting the rumen as described in the article, we dare not tamper with that population if we wish to preserve the health-giving properties of raw milk.
Episode 039: Dr.John Campbell interview with Dr. Makis