In a comment a couple weeks back, Joseph Heckman pointed out that it’s been nearly a decade since publication of my first book about the politics of raw dairy, The Raw Milk Revolution. He wondered how things have changed in the intervening time period, and how things might unfold in coming years.
I’ll try to answer his inquiry in terms of the present, and future. In my view, the present looks pretty good. The future? Not so great. Let me explain.
In terms of the present, I would say that the regulatory and availability situations are much improved over where they were ten years ago. The Raw Milk Revolution is full of stories of farmers being harassed—there’s no other way to characterize what was happening to many of them. I couldn’t write the same book today because regulators have pulled back in significant measure from harassment.
As just one example, a regulatory action now ongoing is the quarantine of a raw dairy farm in Pennsylvania, for suspected brucella, which I wrote about in my previous post. According to the Real Food Consumer Coalition, a food activist group that promotes raw dairy and private food, “Once the Pennsylvania farm was identified, a new approach proceeded. Miller’s Biodiversity Farm in Quarryville, PA, as is protocol, was immediately quarantined, but only for the raw cattle milk and products produced with that.” In other words, the farm has been allowed to remain open and selling all its other products, including meat, goat milk, eggs, etc.
I wish I could report a happy ending there, but so far I can’t. Even though the quarantine went into effect at Christmas, the dairy is still under quarantine, apparently because the national lab testing the dairy’s milk has been slowed by the federal government shutdown. Just one of many unintended consequences from the current sad state of Washington politics.
Aside from the kinder, gentler regulatory approach, another big change is that raw milk is allowed in large states that once banned it, including Michigan, Ohio, and Colorado. And there are signs of stirring beyond the easing that has occurred: The largest raw dairy in the country, Organic Pastures, apparently feels comfortable enough about the regulatory situation that it just announced it has begun distributing raw milk kefir nationally as pet food from its home base in California (via a pet food company, Open Farm). I presume people can share the kefir with their dog or cat.
I’d like to think that The Raw Milk Revolution, together with the activism and persistence of consumers and farmers alike, played a significant role in changing the regulatory and political landscape for raw milk,
Unfortunately, the fact that the regulatory climate for raw milk has eased so significantly doesn’t guarantee a positive outlook for raw milk sales over the coming decade. In fact, I’d say there are some serious clouds on the horizon for raw milk in terms of something marketing experts refer to as “primary demand.” That is the overall trend in demand for a product category.
We don’t have consumption data for raw milk, since no corporate or government group tracks it. But all you have to do is look in the dairy cases at pretty much any urban or suburban supermarket and you’ll see that milk is being crowded out, in favor of “almond milk,” “soy milk,” and “coconut milk,” not to mention soy-based yogurts.
And increasingly, dairy is being demonized by nutritionists, including those who recommend full fats and grass-fed meats. Mark Hyman, a physician in functional medicine, whom I’ve followed for more than a dozen years, now says in his latest book (Food: What the Heck Should I Eat?) that credible research suggests “that (milk) may promote cancer. That’s because milk contains a witches’ brew of hormones that act like Miracle-Gro for cancer cells. The average glass of milk has sixty different hormones in it.” The cancer research is in addition to his previous concerns about high levels of natural sugar in milk.
He does have some positive things to say about milk from grass-fed cows, and A2 milk. His conclusion is that “dairy does not have to be completely off-limits. It’s fine to have some grass-fed milk, cheese, and butter from time to time—as long as they’re full-fat, free of additives, and ethically and sustainably produced. Try sheep or goat products. They are less inflammatory and easier to digest.” Talk about a back-handed endorsement.
On a personal level, I know that, growing up, most kids, myself included, drank milk with every meal. It was just always there. Today, you’ll be hard pressed to find a lot of school-age children regularly consuming milk–in my family, only one of four grandchildren drinks milk even occasionally.
It’s really difficult to know where dairy will stand a decade from now, but I’m not sure I’d wager a huge amount on any dairy products, with the possible exception of raw milk cheese, being on an upward growth path.
The Open Farm products are not OPDC labeled products and are not distributed by OPDC. Open Farm is a dedicated ” frozen pet food” company with the full support of the FDA and even the Canadian regulatory agencies. Yes, OPDC produces this product for Open Farm with the full regulatory approval of CDFA, FDA and health departments. Each batch is tested for all four human pathogens and confirmed negative prior to release. The products are only sold in pet food stores and have fully compliant pet food labels. The OPEN Farm distributor carries the products away from OPDC. All we do is produce it under the regulations as required by the CDFA and FDA. 100% legal and fully approved. It must pass human consumption standards even though it is sold frozen in pet food stores across Canada and the USA. Open Farm did their research and found that pet were suffering much of the same maladies as their sickly masters. Behold…both the master and the pet both thrive on biodiversity and whole foods. They studied this entire pet food raw thing for a year prior to release. The dog testing was extensive!
As far as raw milk and cancer are concerned….I think you lost me on that one. Study after study show that whole food nutrition including raw milk and raw cheeses are associated with very long lives. “Blue Zones” show this clearly. Why did those in the Caucasus live long lives with out cancer? Raw Milk Kefir was their best health food! I will report that the Maasai are now suffering very high rates of cancer after shifting from raw milk to shelf stable junk after pressures to join the west ( report from Kimeli ). They don’t know why but the water in their rivers are polluted with pesticides and Roundup and they are suffering high rates of stomach cancers. No more Maasai pasturing cows and raw milk!
If raw milk was associated with cancer we would be trending against the last 15,000 years of evolution. Those that had access to raw milk prevailed with an advantage over those that did not.
Perhaps the researcher is mixing up raw milk with highly processed milks….on that other side all bets are off. We are only into five or six generations of processed milk consumption and the trends don’t look very good for all sorts of things: triggering asthma, inflammation etc. Raw milk does exactly the opposite.
I would like to see the evidence that raw milk is associated with either cancer or shorter lives. The contrary is the historic record.
Raw milk is not a recent human experiment. It is the first food of life. It is the present result of the “selective evolutionary pressures” of thousands of generations that formed it into its micro-biome loving, nourishing current form. If raw milk caused cancer….guaranteed, we would all be dead! That’s for sure. Evolution, natural selection and time would have mandated it. Bad things die off on earth and become compost for the good things.
Looks to me like after just 100 years ( five generations ) pasteurized milk is in that process right now. Look at the side effects including: hard to digest, allergies and the market decline.
Mark, I didn’t go hunting for that info about OPDC distributing raw milk kefir nationally. It came to me a couple days ago via email from OPDC, with the heading, “IT HAS HAPPENED!!!! Raw Kefir now available throughout USA and Canada!!!!!!” The email itself said this: “NOW ANNOUNCING a partnership with leading Pet Food brand, Open Farm! Same great Raw Kefir product (as Organic Pastures Raw Kefir), but sold for pets in USA and Canada: Made with raw organic grass-fed dairy, our Kefir is a powerful probiotic meal topper that promotes healthy digestion.”
As for the statement about raw milk being associated with cancer, the main citation is from JAMA Pediatrics 2013, an article by DS Ludwig, WC Willett. Hyman has about 10 research citations associating milk with insulin resistance and a variety of cancers ranging from prostate cancer to lung and colorectal cancer. Just to be clear, I don’t necessarily agree, I’m just pointing this out as evidence of the direction nutritionists and scientific researchers seem to be going on milk.
I would not be surprised if “store bought” milk did not have adverse health effects, just UHT pasteurization alone is quite suspicious as to the effects it can and does have on milk fats and sugars. All this demonization of milk of late does not seem to include any studies on raw milk, as we all know, they are two completely different animals. Also ran across this a few days ago:
Hi David, still enjoy your posts, just like I enjoy Raw Milk, both are so benificial.
Was Mark Hyman talking about pasturised milk or raw milk? When people say milk they nearly always mean pasturised milk, otherwise they say ‘raw’ milk. We need to ask Mark which he meant.
Hyman doesn’t always distinguish, though when he talks about “milk” he certainly mean pasteurized milk. In terms of the cancer risk, my sense is that he means to refer to generic milk, which has certain nutritional and hormonal properties whether it is raw or pasteurized. Part of the problem, as we all know here, is that there is a dearth of research about raw milk, so it’s definitely worth inquiring into how any of the cancer-related research would shake out with grass-based raw milk.
Organic Raw Milk Kefir….a legal “pet food” that is produced under human consumption standards.
Not blaming you. Just want to clear about what is happening.
The US Pediatrics groups are the worst when it comes to micro biome friendly health policy.
They support breast feeding, but then go schizophrenic on raw milk.
Clearly the Peds doctors don’t read up much on breast milk!
It is raw
It is filled with a diversity of 700 bacteria
It contains human pathogens.
I think you will find that David’s research is about pasteurized milk and not raw milk.
David, please show the reference so we can all dig into the science that is referenced.
This is likely the one:
“As for the statement about raw milk being associated with cancer, the main citation is from JAMA Pediatrics 2013, an article by DS Ludwig, WC Willett.”
This article? “Three Daily Servings of Reduced-Fat Milk: An Evidence-Based Recommendation?” at http://www.naturaleater.com/science-articles/136-Three-daily-servings-Milk-Really-Ludwig-JAMA-2013.pdf ?
I’m not seeing raw milk being singled out here.
I only have the book in printed form. It is “Food: What the Heck Should I Eat?” and it has lots of end notes following each chapter.
Dr Hyman has not studied the sugars found in raw milk.
The sugars found in raw milk including oligosacarides and others are in addition to lactose.
These sugars play a critical role in the feeding and selective growth of good bugs and actually suppress the growth of pathogens.
This is well studied research at UC Davis IMGC.
The good doctor is looking at pasteurized milk.
Let’s dig deeper and discover what he is saying.
Some facts The Maasai people have a low rate of cancer due to the fact their life expectancy is between 42 to 44 years at death .Since cancer is a disease of older people that would explained the low rate of cancer .In the USA 87% of cancer is diagnosed in persons over 50yrs .Cancer rates are dropping in this country not increasing .As for the Caucasus people living long lives it is not just the keifer they drink its their whole way of life .The Caucasus people live a life of little stress,a varied diet ,of vegetables, meat ,nuts ,mountain water etc.and they are known to also drink boiled milk . As I have said before milk is a good food it is not medicine and it is not a super food a balanced diet of various foods is necessary for a healthy life .
Cancer is increasingly becoming a disease of young people especially children between the ages of three and four… And contrary to the medical professions belief that genetics is the primary cause, a more likely cause is exposure to degenerative, toxic immune disrupting chemicals and cancer causing biologicals, especially when introduced by injection bypassing natural censoring mechanisms.
“The most common pediatric cancer is acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), accounting for 34 percent of all pediatric cancers. Leukemia begins in the bone marrow and spreads to the blood. This type of cancer typically occurs between the ages of two to four years and is more common in males than females.
‘Brain tumors and nervous system tumors constitute about 27 percent of pediatric cancers.
‘Most brain tumors in children typically begin in the lower part of the brain.3 Neuroblastoma, a type of cancer than develops in certain types of nerve tissue, accounts for seven percent of pediatric cancers. It is more common in males under the age of five.
‘Wilms tumor is the fourth common type of pediatric cancer affecting the kidneys and children between the ages of three to four years. Wilms accounts for five percent of all pediatric cancers.
‘Lymphoma is the fifth most common type of pediatric cancer and occurs in a very small percentage of children. This type of cancer begins in immune system cells known as lymphocytes.”
I looked at the medical meta analysis study. It is about modern processed milks and big raw milk. It says this clearly.
By the way, I totally disagree that those that lived in the Balkan’s and the Caucuses boiled their milk. Instead they Fermented milks with Kefir grains. This is part of their traditional diets.
I also totally disagree that raw milk is not a medical super food. Bone density totally improved. Asthma, Crohns, immune depression, chronic diarrhea, frequent ear infections, inflammation… and so much more fixed by a whole food diet and raw dairy.
Please see http://www.farmersoverpharmacies.com
You will first hand the full and complete recovery from all sorts of gut based immune related chronic disease.
First piece of advice. Completely avoid advice from those that financially benefit from continued illness.
Bill March,
Cancer was unknown in the Maasai until recently. Now early onset gastric cancers are rampant.
I have a close friend that is a Massai and he directly reports to me what he knows of his people.
Cows are no longer pastured and raw milk is a lost food.
Water sources are poisoned and their food is a mirror of the West.
Deep trouble.
Although it is possible that hormones, (more so synthetic then natural) may accelerate the growth rate of cancer cells they likely do not cause cancer. The only possible exception however, would be steroids and genetically engineered growth hormones such as rBST that could very well interfere with a controlled, predictable routine in the body known as apoptosis or programmed cell death… rBST (recombinant bovine somatotropin) is a genetically engineered biosynthetic version of the naturally occurring pituitary hormone in cows. There are distinct and fundamental differences between the two types especially with respect to how they are metabolized and the by-products they produce. From the DNA of cows is taken the specific gene sequence that carries the instructions for making BST, and inserting it into E coli, which can then produce large amounts of recombinant BST (rBST). Also inserted is an antibiotic resistant marker gene to determine if they have been successful at inserting the gene that they are trying to transfer.
The natural BST produced by the cow does not include E coli, nor does it include an antibiotic resistant gene in its genetic sequence, nor should it.
Ken, I think you and Mark provide sensible responses. I cited the arguments from Mark Hyman really as an example of how the overall narrative about dairy seems to be shifting. The main study Hyman cites in the pediatrics publication is meant as a response to the long-standing government advice that children drink at least three glasses of milk a day. By questioning that advisory on a nutritional and long-term safety basis, the intent is clear–to reduce overall dairy consumption. No longer are they just going after raw milk on the basis of immediate safety, they are going after all dairy because of larger perceived concerns, which is a threat to the overall dairy market.
Dead give aways that the article is not about raw milk but instead about commercial pasteurized products.
The NIH does not fund raw milk studies because the FDA does not allow studies of products that they designated as illegal.
The article says consumption of “Commonly Consumed”and refer to 2% and low fat. Raw milk comes in one version as full fat!
Lastly, any reference to lactose intolerance is clearly related to pasteurized milks. Raw milk and even pasteurized yogurts are not associated with lactose intolerance ( IMGC UC Davis Splash Neesletter etc )
It makes me slightly nauseated to see such biased BS being promoted as real science.
A narrow view of history with a twist to protect processors is truly sickening.
These authors make convenient statements to back up their agendas, instead of having the courage to truly dig deeper into raw milk and its role in human history. I would not consider 15,000 years an irrelevant time period. These authors say milk and humans for this time period is not important.
Peoples all around the world consumed, raw cheeses and raw Kefir plus raw milk. These peoples had a competitive advantage above those that did not. Having year long access to a whole food while others starved. Huge advantage.
In Jamestown in the 1630s, pilgrims were issued a musket, a cow and some land. Without these three things death would take you.
I call foul. This stinks. Badly.
Archaeology: The milk revolution
When a single genetic mutation first let ancient Europeans drink milk, it set the stage for a continental upheaval.
10,000 years of raw milk drinking
Major selective advantage
More fertile offspring
wherever did you get such a silly notion that “… a single genetic mutation first let ancient Europeans drink milk …” Our God – the God of Israel, namely Jesus Christ – programmed-in to the very DNA of the Israelites, the trait for White people to continue producing the enzymes necessary for digesting milk, in to adulthood. The concept that ‘matter becomes MORE organized’ in random leaps … all on its own, mind you!! … is contradicted by logic and real science. The proposition of science-falsely-called assuming matter, then plants and animals, “evolved” from simple to incomprehensibly complex absent a design, is absurd. But your really big! problem, is = having admitted there is a design, you’re faced with the fact that there must be a Designer.
biggest bit of nonsense in these posts lately, was = Mr MacAffee folding-in the nonsensical term “evolutionary pressure”. Any evidence of such? No, it’s bunkum of the first water.
hard evidence that the white race came in to Europe through the Caucasus pass and around the Black Sea, and by sea to Spain + Hibernia + England is all there in the British Museum, for those who have the integrity to follow the facts where they lead. REAL MILK and honey are part of our Birthright
I do agree that comercially produced dairy products do have all sorts of problems. They are out of balance. They are no longer a whole food.
They are listed as THE MOST allergenic food in America at the FDA website. #1
Allergies and Inflammation are best friends.
It is no wonder that fluid pasteurized milk consumption is dropping. Data does suggest that bone density is dropping in areas where processed milk is consumed.
Alkaline Phosphase enzymes are critical to control of inflammation and bone density ( as part of the greater matrix of raw dairy ). This is totally and intentionally missing in processed dairy. The test for effective pasteurization is called the negative alkaline phosphatase test.
The answer is on its face!!
The term “selective evolutionary pressures” are terms of science….you call them “nonsensical”??
They are used by the PHDs that study human genomics, the micro biome and evolution. You know…we call them scientists.
Lets keep religion personal and private. Just between you and your God.
Most of us want to know why we get sick and how to prevent it. Prayer helps…but knowledge helps those that pray one heck of a lot.
Mark, “Science” can be a doubled-edged sword…
If I may I would like to paraphrase Gordon’s statement and suggest that, “Jesus Christ programmed in to the very DNA” of the first man and woman “the ability to continue producing the enzymes necessary for digesting milk, in to adulthood”. Indeed and their children must have also acquired that ability to produce the enzyme lactase that enabled them to digest the lactose in their mother’s milk, and all milk into adulthood, they in turn passed that ability on to their children… Selective environmental pressures are known to affect subtle genetic changes (micro evolution) and it is these environmental pressures (natural and unnatural that alters this remarkable complex ability to secrete lactase.
Evolutionary scientists, doctors and pharmaceutical companies would like nothing more then to suggest and nurture the belief that genetics is primarily responsible for many of the disruptive conditions that ail man, animals and plants… Such a concept allows them to direct attention away from the true cause of illness; namely, their anthropocentric, antagonistic, unnatural, invasive controlling approach to life. YES INDEED, and all in the name of “science”.
The article that Joseph Heckman referenced suggested that, “Young children almost universally produce lactase and can digest the lactose in their mother’s milk. But as they mature, most switch off the lactase gene.”
Perhaps, however that being said our digestive system is made up of a rich and diverse microbial ecosystem that interacts synergistically with what we consume in order to establish a terrain that is indispensable to the network of cells that line the walls of the small intestine. Lactase, is produced by some of those cells and damaging those cells can disrupt the production of lactase resulting in lactose intolerance… Pharmaceuticals and biologicals such as antibiotics and vaccines disrupt the microbes in the gastrointestinal track and this results in a hostile environment that Is damaging to the intestinal wall lining and the lactase producing cells found within, and that effect is all encompassing with respect to ones overall health.
You have repeatedly stated Mark that consuming raw milk can turn around and rectify a lactose intolerance condition, which would suggest that if a so-called gene is involved and it can be turned off, then it can be turned back on given the proper environmental influences.
As the following article states, “A huge proportion of your immune system is actually in your GI tract,” says Dan Peterson, assistant professor of pathology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. “The immune system is inside your body, and the bacteria are outside your body.” And yet they interact. For example, certain cells in the lining of the gut spend their lives excreting massive quantities of antibodies into the gut. “That’s what we’re trying to understand—what are the types of antibodies being made, and how is the body trying to control the interaction between ourselves and bacteria on the outside?” and on the inside if I dare add…
The scientific method requires demonstrability, then repeatability … can you do that so as to prove “evolutionary pressures” ? of course not. that notion is junk science
the term “evolutionary pressures” is a shiboleth contrived by over-educated idiots as an article of faith in their Cult of the White Robe … the premise for which is = The Big Bang Theory, originating in the Talmud / Now taught in the Public Fool System as received wisdom.
the info. on this page of the Food Safety News is IN-valuable
it’s a breakdown of food poisoning in the United Kingdom of Great Britain. Quite impressive how many people get sick from all kinds of food poisoning ~=89 per 100,000.
The number of producers of raw drinking milk has doubled since 2004. The numbers of people getting ill, attributed to raw milk, are statistically insignificant
“evolutionary pressure” is a term cooked up by over-educated idiots. Demonstrable? Repeatable? according to the scientific method? Hardly
you’ve got an awful lot to learn, Mark McAffee = start with the fact that there are a great number of REAL scientists, who reject the nonsense of “evolution”
the Talmudic myth of The Big Bang – taught in the Public Fool System as received wisdom – is a religious tenet and you’re entitled to it. As long as you admit evolution is just another faith-based religion.
Before you unlimber any more of such faith-based terms into this forum, again, do your homework – study the works of men who’ve rendered Darwin et al, into smithereens.
no, the people I hang around with DON’T hide our faith under a bushel basket. For us, publicly proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven, to be established ON THE EARTH, is one the foundational precepts of our religion.
and since you brought it up, … Enquiring minds want to know ; What’s the name of the god / godesses, to which you address your prayers, Mark McAffee?
Indeed, “certification is a handicap disguised as empowerment.”
I believe in intellectual investigation that goes far beyond reading from a book that has not changed in more than 1000 years.
The intellectual investigators that I respect and work with clearly understand that lactase is produced not by the body, but by lactose fermenting bacteria that colonize the borders of the villi in our intestines. When lactose sugars come along, these bacteria create lactase, that then break down lactose into simple sugars and lactic acids that can be used by the body for its functions.
Jesus had nothing to do with lactose fermenting bacteria. Unless Jesus was a form of bacteria. No Jesus was just a man formed just like you and I with genes that came from bacteria and his parents.
The more we study the human genome and the gut micro biome, the more being called a bacteria is quite a compliment. In fact, 98% of the genetic software that runs our human hardware systems come from bacterial genes that symbiotically run our human genome. Call me a bacteriosapien. It’s accurate.
Perhaps the garden of eden was the most fertile place in the universe filled with earth worms, organic soils, and a massive biodiversity of bacteria. Now that is a better view of a grand creators solid plan for life on earth.
Watson, please don’t look into any micro scopes. It might freak you out. Would not want that. The very idea that Jesus only gave white people lactase enzymes is truly a fascinating reflection on who you are. If your god only created a few things… what created everything else??
The Massai drink raw milk directly from cows… never any lactose intolerance at any time in life. Are you sure that you are not missing something. The Mongoleans drink the same. They are not your chosen white people.
God is much more grand than what you give him or her credit for.
He created everything in the Milky Way Galaxy and far beyond…not just your white people. You don’t give god much credit. God is Love. Love is what we should be sharing between all humans on this earth. Not just a few chosen ones.
The lactase enzyme is primarily produced by cells known as intestinal epithelial cells or enterocytes that line the walls of the small intestine; as well, and as you stated, lactase is also produced by bacteria that live in the small intestine.
As the following two article state…
“Lactase is produced by cells that line the walls of the small intestine. These cells, called intestinal epithelial cells, have finger-like projections called microvilli that absorb nutrients from food as it passes through the intestine so they can be absorbed into the bloodstream. Based on their appearance, groups of these microvilli are known collectively as the brush border. Lactase functions at the brush border to break down lactose into smaller sugars called glucose and galactose for absorption.”
“In addition to intestinal cells, certain bacteria that live in the intestine also make the lactase enzyme. Lactose that is not digested by human lactase is digested by bacterial lactase. When bacteria are ingested as part of food (yogurt), the lactase enzyme survives the acid stomach because it is protected by the bacterial cell wall. Once in the small intestine, the bacteria release the lactase enzyme to digest lactose. An intact bacterial cell wall, which surrounds the entire bacterium, and the rate of lactase release are the two factors that determine how well a treatment of lactose intolerance by yogurt ingestion will be.”
the hallmark of an ignoramus : misquoting what I said so as to demean my good will in dialogue
I remind you, Mark McAffee = that you’re the one who tossed “evolution” in to the mix
the good thing about this forum, is : objective observers can read what I actually did say, contrasted with your dis-information.
the book to which Christeans cleave says “answer a fool not according to his folly” that would be thou. So = enough of you and your non-sense.
Are you aware that in the name of “science” unborn children are being aborted and kept alive long enough to harvest cells for vaccine production??? You should take time to watch this speech on “The Commoditization of Human Beings” by Dr. Theresa Deisher.
Dr. Deisher states in her speech, “When human beings become commodities, as they have over the past two to three decades with the changing values of Western civilization, we begin to use human beings for purposes other than those purposes for which they are created. We start to use human beings in biomedical research… for instance, we use fresh aborted fetuses on a daily basis in biomedical research. Scientists used embryos and women’s eggs for stem cell research, and from there we move on to exploiting human beings for actual medical therapies. Cell lines that were made from electively aborted human fetuses are commonly used to manufacture vaccines, biologics, and now even cosmetics. While organ transplantation can be done ethically and morally, the huge demand for organ supply has driven organ transplantation and organ harvest really off the cliff, and many practices in these areas have now become quite questionable ethically.”
This amoral perverted manipulation is an accumulation of the ever-increasing belief that we are but a product of a mindless universe, or to put in your words the belief in “selected evolutionary pressures” and “intellectual investigations”. As I’ve previously noted in regards to a statement made by noted evolutionist William Provine, professor of biological sciences from Cornell, in his 1998 Darwin Day Keynote Address entitled, “Evolution: Free will and punishment and meaning in life”, “Naturalistic evolution has clear consequences that Charles Darwin understood perfectly. 1) No gods worth having exist; 2) no life after death exists; 3) no ultimate foundation for ethics exists; 4) no ultimate meaning in life exists; and 5) human free will is nonexistent.””
No wonder Albert Einstein concluded, “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.”
I really appreciate your moral and ethical narrative. These are deeply concerning and I share your observations and doubts.
Morals and ethics must be at the top of what drives us all.
Is milk healthy? Canada’s new food guide says not necessarily
For better or for worse most people in Canada are oblivious and/or ignore Canada’s food guide. That being said left leaning vegan and animal rights proponents/activists in Canada is a growing force to be reckoned with. Heaven help us if they mange to acquire a majority in government.
I prefer the “USDA’s MyPlate” with some added changes… I would leave vegetables and fruits the same switch grains with protein and change milk to raw milk…
National Geographic:
Inside the world’s largest collection of animal milk
Thousands of samples from hippos, gorillas, sloths and more are helping save species in surprising ways.
Just spent a couple of days with two directors from the BC Canada provincial milk board. I was able to sneak in some deep conversation about raw milk legalization in Canada. I provided them both with RAWMI literature and BCHS data on raw milk safety. We will see how those seeds sprout and grow.
They had come to CA to help our struggling dairies build a better dairy system. Great guys. Really enjoyed them and their message of cooperation.
“great guys”, alright. Your pals are members of the BC Milk Marketing Board, which payed a bribe of $2000 to John van Dongen, who was a Member of the BC Legislature in 2009, when the political party to which he belonged, the Liberals, governed BC. The bribe was a reward for that administration having imposed the regulation which outlaws raw milk for human consumption. I have hard evidence to prove what I say printed out from the Elections BC website.
since those pals of yours each hold a licence under the milk supply cartel, in order to be a member of the Milk Marketing Board then, – witting or not – they are accomplices in an offence against section 121 of the Criminal Code of Canada = buying influence in govt. business
as smart as you are on some topics, Mark McAffee, you’re a babe-in-the-woods when it comes to how the racketeers operate
The problem, Gordon, is that under current BC law, the BCMMB has control over every drop of cow milk produced in the province – see http://www.bclaws.ca/civix/document/id/complete/statreg/167_94#section7 .
Got a cow? You can milk it for your own use thanks to the “personal use exemption” generously granted to you by the ever-benevolent BCMMB.
Realistically, it is possible the BCMMB needs to change its tune and supporting legalization before the BC government will legalize it – sales or herdsharing. Honestly, their support is likely crucial, even if their ethics are lacking. I’m glad that Mark spoke with them.
wrong, on both counts. There is no “personal exemption” for use of milk from a cow one owns. I know that because I asked the BC Milk marketing Board that very question, and they replied on official stationery, saying that much.
second : the BC Milk Marketing Board was created by Statute in 1976. For twenty years, prior, raw milk was quite happily sold under the Milk Industry Act Revised Statutes of British Columbia. which set out a licence to sell raw milk at the farm gate and to sell it to a customer list in town.
Third : I recommend that you go to the Royal Archive in downtown Victoria, and ask to see the Report of the Royal Commission on milk marketing 1955. As I did. From cover to cover, Commissioner Clyne talks about MARKETING milk. And milk destined for INDUSTRY. Twice, he opines that ‘there must always be a way for people who want raw milk, to get it’.Nowhere in that report did he ever mention such a thing as govt. control of personal private property. In 1955, people did not assume that the govt. had all power, and we had to go hat-in-hand begging for some privilege to use our own private property
if you believe that the BC Milk Marketing Board is ever going to be friendly to producers of REAL MILK, you do not have the measure of the enemy. The Enemy is communism, regardless of its disguise lately. The fat asses who sit on the BC Milk Marketing Board are cut from the same cloth as the parasitic apparatchiks who made the Soviet Union work so well! for 70 tragic years in Russia. See Solzenhitzen’s book “200 years together” for the mind-numbing details.
REAL MILK will be legalized in BC. Then, every other province can use the precedent to suit demselves. Of course, in La Belle Province de Quebec, they do what they want, anyway. There, you can get all the REAL MILK and raw milk cheeses straight from the farm pursuant to section 11 of its Food Act RSQ
Gordon: ” There is no ‘personal exemption’ for use of milk from a cow one owns. I know that because I asked the BC Milk marketing Board that very question, and they replied on official stationery, saying that much.”
You are wrong, Mr. Watson. It exists. The BCMMB and FIRB argued over this around 2005/2006 – FIRB wanted every board to write small producer and personal use exemption policies if they did not already have them. The BCMMB balked. They had to create them, but nowhere will they admit to it – certainly not on their website. Where you will find it is in the FIRB report “Review of Specialty Production and New Entrant Programs Improving Access to the Supply Management System (Specialty Review), Question and Answers” October 28, 2005), p.1: “If you raise or keep certain animals whose products are used for food (specifically cows’ milk, chicken, turkey or eggs) and regulated by a board, you may be affected by this review. However, personal use is exempted. You can start up to 200 chickens or 50 turkeys every year, or keep any number of milking cows, as long as none of the milk is sold.”
Gordon: “the BC Milk Marketing Board was created by Statute in 1976.”
And is no longer there. The original Milk Industry Act (1956) created a Milk Board (sec. 32), yes. This was removed from the Act and the BC Milk Marketing Board Regulation was passed under the Natural Products Marketing Act. The current Milk Industry Act reads: ” ‘board’ means the British Columbia Milk Marketing Board established under section 10 of the Natural Products Marketing (BC) Act”
The Board’s current control over all bovine milk is spelled out in these clauses in the BCMMB Regulation:
“1. In this regulation:
‘milk’ means milk or cream obtained from cows in British Columbia…
‘producer’ means a person who produces milk…
‘regulated product’ means milk, fluid milk or a manufactured milk product…
“2. This regulation applies to the production, transportation, packing, storage and marketing of regulated products within British Columbia…
“7. Subject to subsection (2), the board is vested with the power to promote, regulate and control in any and all respects the production, transportation, packing, storage and marketing, or any of them, of a regulated product within British Columbia, including the prohibition of production, transportation, packing, storage and marketing, or any of them, in whole or in part, and is vested with all powers necessary or useful in the exercise of those powers.”
The BCMMB will change their minds once they see profit in this for their members. That will be the likely motivator.
Mr Watson, I’m not doubting that the BCMMB told you what they did, but I’d like to see their wording, because it sounds like either there was a miscommunication, or they were hiding something. Likely the latter, imho.
The BCMMB is also an (“independent”)agency of the BC government. Constituted under the BC Milk Marketing Board Regulation passed under the Natural Products Marketing Act. The Crown Agencies and Board Resourcing Office (CABRO) oversees appointments. It is in this list at http://www.fin.gov.bc.ca/apps/appointments/currentboards.asp . In other words, it’s just another quango.
so true, Vera. for comic relief, find me another Quango* which cuts a cheque for funds out of the public accounts, then contributes it to the election campaign of a political party! As – proveably – happened with the BC Milk Marketing Board during the 2009 BC election.
* Quasi-governmental-authority
for the benefit of readers of this forum elsewhere : at this very hour, all hell is breaking loose at the very top level of British Columbia’s government, as the dirty laundry from over 16 years, is being aired-out on the front pages of the media. A classic example of how ‘somethin’s gotta give’ when The Stench of corruption gets to a critical point. In Canada, the dairy and egg cartels are well past that point
… QUANGO is the acronym for “QUasi-Autonomous Non-Governmental Organization”. For those who are unfamiliar with the term and curious, Wikipedia provides this explanation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quango .
They both told me…. raw milk as not in their hands. It was in the ministry of health’s hands. If they legally authorized raw milk then the milk board would control it under Cottage Industry QUOTA control.
We all know politics and how things become strange and twisted with all rules being broken and some things just buried and silently just happen.
I get the sense that if the milk boards knew that consumers really wanted raw milk…. they would progressively move to bring it under their Three Legged Stool just like organic milk.
What impressed me most about the Canadians was their very keen sense of consumer influence. They really cared about image and promotion of their products.
Many producers ( most ) in the USA are blind and tone deft to consumers. Not the Canadians. They appeared to be really focused on consumer demand and messaging. They spend 3 times more on promotion than in the USA.
written in to the law which created the BC Milk Marketing Board is requirement to pay attention to consumer demand / accommodate new products. But there is not one single person on that Board, other than milk producers. So who speaks for consumers?
the marketing Boards went to sleep for about 30 years, because they were all so fat + sassy in their govt. monopoly. it started to dawn on them that people were not buying their product, anymore. about that same time, rumblings in the media about the end of their cartel, terrified them. Stephen Harper got elected as the Prime Minister, on the promise that he would end the Canadian Wheat Board. And he did. the dairy cartel realized that the same thing loomed for them.
as tiny as we were, our little cowshare Home on the Range smack dab in the middle of all the CAFO dairies in the lower Fraser Valley of BC, had an enormous impact. Right before their very eyes, we ‘proved the concept’ … consumers wanted an alternative to the dreck on retail store shelves mis-labelled “homo milk”. Learning from Weston A Price website, and from Michael Schmidt and from Mark McAffee, we started educating all and sundry about why “grass fed” is better before the CAFO guys could spell the term. Now … they all boast about it, even when they cheat.
same with the on-farm sales of packaged milk. In 1999, when we first started making noises about cowsharing, there were no quota dairies selling their own milk at the farm gate in BC. Today, it’s the happening thing. Not least because the success of our cowshares – particularly the way Alice Jongerden utilized the internet to deal directly with sharemembers – rattled these people to their back teeth. They realized we were doing something right.
it galls me no end that most of the dairy racketeers are Dutch Reformed types. The “frozen Chosen” we call them. selfish pricks clinging to their govt. licence, boasting that they’re law-abiding straight-shooters, while calling for us to go to gaol! … good little communist serfs, stupified in their sanctimony
oh, I could go on. Suffice to say that we REAL MILK providers will have our innings yet
The Provincial marketing boards and the various provincial ministries of health across Canada each benefit from a relationship that can best be described as two peas in a pod scratching each other’s backs.
These two directors from the BC Canada provincial milk board that you were speaking to were probably not farmers that were elected to the board; but rather, they were appointed full time senior management staff who are individuals with likely little to no farming experience. As an example the General Manager and CEO for Dairy Farmers of Ontario/The Ontario Milk Marketing Board is a lawyer who practiced litigation law and served as General Counsel with one of North America’s largest insurance companies.
I would be interested in learning more about this so-called “Cottage Industry QUOTA control”. Did they elaborate on the process?
As Gordon correctly stated, the supply management process was a privilege granted by government “statute” and there is not a chance in hell that the powers that be who desire to have absolute control over the dairy industry are going to jeopardize the underpinnings of that process to that which they view as a threat… namely, “raw milk sales”. The illegality of raw milk sales coupled with the required license and quota o produce milk and the fact that all raw milk sales must be conducted through the milk marketing board system is the underpinnings that serve as a hammer that gives the health departments the added clout they need to suppress raw milk sales. And as Gordon again correctly noted prior to the establishment of the milk marketing board system, “raw milk was quite happily sold”.
California Scientists Developing Cow-Free Dairy Milk From GMO Yeast
Dear all,
The two Canadian farmers where elected by their peers to serve on the BC provincial milk board. One owns and runs a 550 Cow organic dairy and the other Cornelius, owns a 300 Cow conventional dairy. Both are real dairy farmers.
During their presentations they were very keen to focus on consumers and what they want.
They realize that their futures rely on dollar votes and not money from government.
I think that the cow share community should start a online petition demanding raw milk from the provincial board system through Cottage Industry authorized producers.
Talk about the medical benefits. Describe in gruesome detail how pasteurized homogenized standardized milk makes you sick with allergies and digestion problems.
That would get their attention. Their would be back door meetings with health ministers. Use the peer reviewed published data.
They could become your allies. This is an educational and consumer demand base process.
If they knew what we all know about raw milk things would start to change. They deeply fear market decline. They are not afraid of innovation. And have the money to do research.
Suggest you start building educational bridges and reach out to them with hard science.
Dear Mark McAffee … suggest you find out the history of communism, and how the Marketing Boards fit into its ideology. As I’ve explained more than onc’t on this forum = The Fabian Society promulgated its Progressive Economic Program, which FDR imposed on the US of A as the National Recovery Act. Later ruled UN-constitutional by the Supreme Court of the USA. A basic tenet of the PEP’s centrally-dictated command economy, was : marketing boards
as history proves every single time – latest for-instance in Venezuala today – the only thing the God damned commies understand, is : the power that flows out of the barrel of a gun.
I won’t be wasting another 20 years, attempting to reason with the idiots.
Greenhouse-Grown Leafy Greens Sales Skyrocket After Romaine Recall
There is an ongoing very serious battle raging over what constitutes “ organic “ production.
Certified organic demands use of soil and dirt. Where hydroponics does not use soil. There are no earth worms.
The NOP USDA has approved hydroponics for organic production and now the diet battles rage.
I liken hydroponics to a patient in the ICU. Everything is given via IV. All per prescription. No dirt and soil involved.
Organic production requires soil and embraces the soil biome and rhizome biome with earth worms doing symbiotic commensal work in the riot zone.
We are getting closer to soil lint green all the time. By default we have re engineered our food because our food and our food production environment are no longer palatable.
Micro nutrients critical to our existence come from dirt my friends. Not from IV solutions under prescription by a plant doctor in a sterilized temperature controlled solar regulated environment.
Someone should look up the difference… so someone did:
As a soil scientist I am not a proponent of hydroponics. Plants (and the food) growing in fertile soil benefit from the microbial life of that ecosystem.
Center for Food Safety Files Legal Action to Prohibit Hydroponics from Organic
Imagine an analogous commercial for organic milk like so:
The Pure Experience | Michelob ULTRA Pure Gold Super Bowl 2019
Joe ,
Love the idea. Very creative.
I have some breaking news!!
Yesterday we received an email from You Tube that my case study interviews at Farmers over Pharmacies had been banned and taken down because they violated their content policies.
I reviewed their content policies and no where do any of the videos promote a branded product. There is no commercial speech. There is no sex, no violence, no guns, nothing inappropriate!!! Nothing. All very kind and considerate. No curse words. No nudity. Nada…. nothing ! Totally backed up by science.
All there is are interviews of real people talking about recovery from serious medical conditions using raw dairy and whole food nutrition ! All there is are case studies backed up by EU studies. Everything Pubmed and peer reviewed.
I am in shock. I am also a bit pissed off.
I know the rules on commercial speech and verses protected first amendment speech. You Tube ie….Google Alfabet Inc. really stepped on our rights with this one.
Contemplating my next step.
Taking down a video of me interviewing my daughter about her experience of breast feeding my grand son and increasing her milk supply using Raw Milk IN to Get More Raw Milk Out! This is insane.
We are taking our video content to Vimeo or Bitchute. Screw YOU TUBE. They just messed with grandpa.
They also removed a video of Tara Rosas about her complete recovery from Crohns using Raw Milk Kefir and other whoke Foods etc. Doug LoBasso and his recovery from severe IBS using Raw milk and Raw Milk Kefir.
Perhaps I should reframe my feelings and consider this a compliment and ultimate achievement. This farmer just touched a hot nerve at big
Wow. Superman didn’t like” in your face Farmers over Pharmacies Case Studies and hard science”.
Any one want to join me in a Class Action lawsuit? Any hungry lawyers want to take this on contingency?
Would be a slam dunk. Total violation of first amendment rights. No brand or product promoted. None. Just science Genomics, micro biome Pubmed data and real recovery. Wow. Still have a hard time realizing what they did. Still in shock.
Don’t take this as an excuse for YouTube, but the company (owned by Google) has long been wrestling with how to extract more revenue from all the videos posted on the site. It could be they are targeting as many videos as possible that could be associated with branded products, even if the branded products aren’t mentioned in the videos. The hope is that you (and others losing videos) will become paying advertisers. As you suggest, not the best selling technique around.
I can see the damages. Forcing people to have colostomies when recovery and full recovery is possible through consumption of the oldest mammalian food on earth… raw milk !!
Drag all of my video case studies before the judge. Slam dunk. First Amendment upheld!
Feb 7, 2019 in Lancaster, PA
Producing Fresh Unprocessed Raw Drinking Milk
Speakers: Joseph Heckman, Rutgers University and Edwin Shank, The Family Cow
Consumer Food Safety Practices: Raw Milk Consumption and Food Thermometer Use
Providing consumers with recommendations on specific food safety practices may be a costeffective policy option, acting either as a complement to or substitute for additional food safety regulations on food suppliers, but it would require a detailed understanding of consumer food safety practices. Using data from the 2014 to 2016 American Time Use Survey–Eating and Health Module, we examine two food safety practices in which Government health and safety officials, as well as the broader food safety community, have offered unequivocal advice: meal preparers should always use a thermometer to verify that meat has reached a recommended temperature and consumers should avoid raw (unpasteurized) milk. We found that 2 percent of at-home meal preparers in the United States served raw milk during a typical week; of which 80 percent lived with two or more people, 44 percent were married, 36 percent lived with one or more children, and 28 percent lived with at least one person age 62 or older, indicating the potential that at-risk populations are consuming raw milk. While preparing meals with meat, poultry, or seafood, 14 percent of at-home meal preparers in the United States used a food thermometer. Meal preparers who use a food thermometer typically earned more, reported better physical health, were more likely to exercise, were more likely married, and had larger and younger households. Last, rates of food thermometer usage were higher for at-home meal preparers whose occupation was food-preparation related, suggesting food safety training or awareness at work may influence food safety behavior at home.
Joe,when will we start to see an acknowledgement of the nutritional requirements for a thriving gut micro biome??
Dead foods, kill checked foods and foods that are no longer good food for the microbial communities to eat and thrive in, where is that dialogue in our smart scientific communities? We spent $4 billion to figure out the human genome only to ignore its discovery and compelling lessons.
The truly brilliant scientist is the one who recognizes the obvious. The successful civilizations are the ones that act on the obvious.